Furche Research Group


Position Phone Email[at]uci.edu Office
Filipp Furche professor (949) 824-5051 filipp.furche NS2 2135
Dmitrij Rappoport assistant researcher d.rappoport NS2
Ahmadreza Rajabi graduate student (949) 302-6303 arajabis NS2 2204
Amogh Tundlam graduate student atundlam NS2 2206
Anthony Wang graduate student anthojw4 NS2 2206
Eric Ma graduate student mae9
Jeffrey Tsai graduate student (949) 824-6303 jeffrt7 NS2 2210
Miko Stulajter graduate student (949) 302-6303 mstulajt NS2 2210
Naje' George graduate student (678) 333-6891 najeg@uci.edu NS2 2210
Nick Lutfi graduate student (949) 824-6303 lutfin NS2 1208
Sourav Majumdar graduate student majumds1 NS2 1208
Danielle Chow undergraduate student chowd4 NS2
Nathan Crawford staff member (949) 824-4508 nathan.crawford NS2 2101

We are a dynamic group of people. Check out our Activities page to see what we are upto after science.