Filipp Furche has been named Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science “for distinguished contributions to the fields of computational and theoretical chemistry with applications to the structure and bonding of rare-earth and actinide metal complexes”.
Gabriel Phun defended his thesis.
Jason Yu, Brian Nguyen, and Samuel Bekoe have defended their theses.
Please apply here.
Kimberly has been selected as 2020-2021 Beckman Scholar.
Kimberly has been featured in the Anteater Spotlight of the School of Physical Sciences Newsletter.
Kimberly has been chosen for the Pitts Undergraduate Scholarship.
Sree Ganesh Balasubramani and Saswata Roy have defended their theses and will join the Schwartz group and Hammes-Schiffer group respectively as postdoctoral research associates.
For identifying cleaner catalysts for polyurethane synthesis. The news article can be found here and the publication here.
Review of applications will begin April 15th.
Congratulations Dr. Chen!
We will be at the above conference. On the 5th of June, Prof. Furche will be giving a talk at 9.05am, and Brian Nguyen will be presenting a poster at 7pm.
Our research interns from local high schools will be presenting their work in the group on May 14th, 4.30pm at FRH 5107.
We will be at the above conference on 5/5/2018. Prof. Furche will be giving a talk at 9am, and group members will be presenting posters at lunch.
Shane, Guo, Saswata and Prof. Furche will be presenting on March 5 and 8.
Filipp Furche wins Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Fostering Undergraduate Research for Physical Sciences.
Prof Furche will be formally recognized at the UCI Undergraduate Research Symposium on May 20th.
Mikko accepted the position of a computational biochemistry researcher at the Technical University of Munich (TUM).
Jason accepted the offer from the California Institue of Technology (Caltech) for graduate school.
Check here for the full news.
Check here for further information.
Dr. Henk Eshuis received tenure at Montclair State University, NJ.
Brandon accepted the position of a computational sciences post-doctoral fellow in Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory.
Saswata and Sree Ganesh passed the oral examination for advancement to candidacy.
Prof. Reinhart Ahlrichs, Filipp’s former advisor and Turbomole initiator, passed away at the age of 76. He will be dearly missed.
Check out Filipp’s lecture Electronic structure methods for small gap systems at the 251st ACS National Meeting in San Diego (ACS membership login required)
The high school summer program begins today. Check out our outreach page.
Shane has been awarded an Arnold O. Beckman Postdoctoral Fellowship. Quote from the Beckman website: “The Arnold O. Beckman Postdoctoral Fellows Award program is an open program for research institutions across the United States to support postdoctoral scholars who are judged to have the highest potential for success in an independent academic career in chemistry and the life sciences, and who will become the next generation of leaders and innovators in science, engineering, and technology.”
Approximately 20 people were awarded this fellowship nationwide. This fellowship is intended to support Shane’s transition to an independent career in research and comes with a two-years fellowship and additional funds for research expenditures.
E. Tapavicza, G. Bellchambers, J. C. Vincent, F. Furche, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 15 18336 (2013), doi:10.1039/C3CP51514A
This award recognizes an outstanding UCI chemistry undergraduate, either Sr. or Jr. status, who has excelled in the classroom and the laboratory during their career here, based on overall GPA, GPA in chem courses, and performance in research.
Jefferson E. Bates received the Lee and Smitrovich Awards of the Department of Chemistry and the Outstanding Contribution to the Chemistry Department Honored by the School of Physical Sciences Award
Congratulations to Robert Send for graduating and moving on to Germany: BASF SE! We are very proud of you!